Talasey On Tour


Showcasing Premium Landscaping Supplies Across the UK


The Talasey on Tour mobile showroom brings our comprehensive range of landscaping supplies, garden landscape supplies, and outdoor products to a location most convenient for you. Whether you’re interested in natural stone patio slabs, composite decking, or artificial grass accessories, this innovative tool allows you to experience our offerings up close.


With knowledgeable staff on hand, Talasey on Tour is the perfect way to explore product features and benefits, helping you understand how they can maximise your sales potential.


Our mini Product Awareness courses and demonstrations provide hands-on opportunities to touch, feel, and see our products firsthand. Choose from sessions featuring:

  • Natural Stone (including Composite Solution)
  • Porcelain (including Composite Solution)
  • Artificial Grass
  • Composite Solution decking, fencing, and cladding


Sessions cover:

  • Product-specific features and benefits
  • Key brand information
  • Techniques to increase your sales potential
  • Product installation insights with visual and practical sessions
  • Brand service offerings and point-of-sale guidance


If your premises lack sufficient space, contact us, and we’ll help organise suitable parking arrangements.


Mobile Showroom Dimensions:

  • Length: 8.5m
  • Width: 2.5m
  • Height: 3.5m


To book your visit, email [email protected].

Talasey On Tour Dates & Locations

The Talasey On Tour mobile showroom travels all over the country, visiting a number of our merchant suppliers whilst also attending many landscaping events and exhibitions to showcase our range of products, solutions and services.


We update our travel history regularly, with new dates added to our Google Maps list when they have been confirmed.

For a full list of all upcoming stops, visit the Talasey On Tour Dates page on our website.